Ukadiche Modak

Steamed Rice flour dumplings with a sweet filling of jaggery and freshly grated coconut. This is one of the healthiest of Indian sweet dishes one can have. A must to be offered as 'Naivedya or Prasad' to lord Ganesha during the 'Ganpati festival' . These are more popular in the Maharashtra region. Although the recipe as such is simple , it is quite an Art to get the shape of these 'modaks' right. It comes only with practice and a lot of patience. 


Freshly grated coconut             2 Bowls 
Jaggery or gul (in Marathi)      1 and 3/4 Bowls .(grated coconut should be little more than the jaggery.)
cardamom powder  1/2 tsp
saffron strands    few
ghee 2 tsp
Raisins (If you prefer but can be omitted)


1. In a thick bottomed pan, add the ghee.
2. Now add the grated coconut and the jaggery and mix well.
3. Keep stirring , keeping the flame on low till the jagerry melts and the coconut gets cooked 
4. Take care not to burn the coconut. Add the raisins (if you desire),  saffron and cardamom powder and mix well .
5. Turn of gas and keep aside to cool.
6. You can even prepare the filling a day in advance and store it in the refrigerator. Just remember to thaw it (Bring it to room temperature) before you start preparing the 'Modaks' .


Special rice flour called 'Modak pithi ' is easily available in the market . esp. during Ganpati festival (August-September)

Modak pithi   1 1/2 cups 
Water little more than one cup
pinch of salt
little ghee 


1. In a thick bottomed vessel, keep the water to boil
2. Add a pinch of salt and 2 tsp of ghee in it (This gives a nice glaze to the modaks )
3. Now slowly add the rice flour ( gas on low) while stirring continuosly to avoid any lumps being formed .
4. Remove the vessel from the heat and keep it covered for nice 10 to 15 mins. All the steam should be retained inside.
5. Apply little oil or water to your palms and knead it into a very soft and pliable dough. Keep covered with a moist cloth.


1.Divide the dough in equal portions . (Small balls of around 2 inches in diameter)
2. Apply little oil on your hands .
3. Take each ball and flatten it like a puri/ flat disc using your fingers.. It should bethick in the centre and thin towards the edges .
4. Divide the filling also in the same no. of portions as the no. of balls. 
5. Take the disc made up of covering, add a spoonful of the filling carefully in the centre.
6. Using your thumb and index finger form 5 to 7 pleats (Moe the better).
7. Carefully gather the pleats together to form a bundle or a 'Potli' as you join them and close the Modak.
This does take a little practice... 
8. Steam these 'modaks' in a pressure cooker (Without the whistle) or in a idli steamer...for 10 to 15 mins till cooked.
9. Serve HOT with Pure ghee.. or enjoy as it is.

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