Indo-chinese Vegetable croquettes

Mothers are constantly searching for new recipes that are easy to make, full of nutrition and most importantly will be liked by their children. Here is one such dish which I actually dished out from whatever was available in my fridge.... Presenting the recipe with a few modifications. Kids nowadays love the spicy, sour , sweet and tangy taste that the indo-chinese food offers. Needless to say even my daughter loved it a lot and this dish is now a regular one we make for snacks . It will also form a great snack for your parties. 


Shreddded cabbage 1 bowl 
shredded carrots 1 Bowl
Capsicum finely chopped 1 nos
Spring onion and greens too 1/2 bowl.
Mashed potato 1 Bowl 
I used these veggies . (You can add/edit as per your liking)
Butter 1 tsp
finely chopped ginger 1 tsp
finely chopped garlic 1 tsp
Dark Soya sauce 1 tsp
Red chilli sauce 1 tsp
schezwan sauce 1 tsp 
corn flour 1 Tbsp
Bread crumbs for coating 
A pinch of sugar 
Salt to taste (Remember the sauces have certain amount of salt in them)


1.  Heat the butter in a pan. Saute ginger, garlic and saute all the vegetables one by one in it except mashed potato .


2. Now add Dark soya sauce, Red chilli sauce and schezwan sauce one after another . Stir in between 
3. Add the mashed potato and mix well.
4. Add sugar, salt, and cornflour for binding and mix well to form a dough like mixture. 
5. Apply little oil to your hands so mixture does not stick to your hands.
6. Take little mixture and shape it into elongated croquettes or any shape you wish.
7. Roll the croquettes into bread crumbs and keep aside.
8. Deep fry or shallow fry these croquettes till crisp and golden brown on all sides.
9. Serve hot with Schezwan sauce.

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