Teelachi wadi (Sesame seeds sweet)

Sweets made using Sesame seeds, dry grated coconut and sugar or jaggery are prepared for the religious festival of 'Makar Sankranti' which falls every year on 14th January in the Hindu month of 'Magha' .It marks the transition of the sun into the 'Makara' or Capricorn Zodiacal sign whereon the days start getting longer each day . Some regions in India celebrate it by having kite flying competitions as well . In the Maharashtra region 'Gul Poli' or Indian flat bread using jaggery and seame seeds is prepared and also a typical mixed vegetable called as 'Bhogichi bhajee' is pepared in households. The significance of seasonal veggies and Sesame seeds which are good to be consumed in the winter months is the relevance

Teelachya vadya : (Sweet made from Sesame seeds) 


Polish teel (Sesame seeds) 200 gms
Dessicated coconut 200 gms
Sugar 400 gms.


1.Dry Roast polish teel and keep aside.
2. In a thick bottom pan preferably nonstick, add 1 medium sized bowl of sugar to be melted. Put on very low flame. 
3. In the same bowl  take 3/4 bowl  sesame seeds and keep it ready.
** Sesame seeds should be little less than the Sugar
4. On the 'polpat'  (A special wooden or steel  apparatus  used for rolling out dough ) or directly on the kitchen platform, spread dessicated coconut thick layer around 5 inches diameter ( this avoids the mixture sticking to the bottom) . Keep equal qty of dessicated coconut handy. 
5. keep stirring the sugar till it melts and becomes watery consistency. 
6. Very quickly add the sesame seeds and stir fast. Put off flame.
7. Pour this mixture immediately over Dessicated coconut. 
8. Very very quickly spread some more Dessicated coconut on the mix and start rolling this mixture.
9. Roll it as thin as possible. Quickly make markings (Square or kite shaped as you wish)  on the rolled out mixture to form the 'Wadis' 
10 Once mixture cools down brush away the excess Dessicated coconut (it can be reused).
11. Break into pieces . Store in airtight container and Enjoy. 

TIP.... This entire process is to be done at ' SUPER FAST' speed, else it will be difficult to roll out the mixture as it hardens quickly.

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