Tikhat-Mithachya Purya (Spicy puffed bread)

Puris or puffed bread is a very popular dish . This version is a mix of whole wheat bread and  gram flour , few spices. Rolled flat and deep fried to a delicious golden brown colour. Easy and quick to prepare with minimal ingredients that are easily available in a regular kitchen. This can be served as an evening snack or in the tiffin (forms a nice break from the routine tiffin recipes). Hope you enjoy this .


2 Bowls whole wheat flour
1/2 Bowl gram flour / Besan 
 2 tsp of Red chilly powder
1 pinch of hing powder
1/2 tsp of turmeric powder 
1/2 tsp of Ajwain (I usually add little ajwain to all dishes that use gram flour as it helps in  digestion. Gram flour is a little heavy to digest)
Salt to taste 
Oil for deep frying .


1. Mix all the above ingredients adding little water at a time .
2. Add a tsp of oil and knead into a soft dough . Keep aside for 5 to 10 mins .
3. Make small balls of this dough and roll out into flat puris around 5-7 cms in diameter.
4. The puris should be 1 to 2 mm in thickness. If they are paper thin then they won't puff up after frying .
5. Heat oil for deep frying in a wok/kadai
6. Once the oil is Hot, Slide each puri one by one into hot oil . Press a little with the spoon/ladle so it puffs up.
7. Deep fry to a nice golden brown colour on medium flame.
8. Drain on an absorbent paper and serve HOT with ketchup/ pickle of your choice or even plain curds.

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