Choco-chip cookies

Crisp and light cookies . Who does not like them . Great as an accompaniment to your tea or coffee. Can be enjoyed at breakfast too or in general at any time of the day to meet the hunger-pangs.

INGREDIENTS : (For about 25 cookies)

Maida/Refined flour    2 Cups
baking powder 1/2 tsp
baking soda     1/2 tsp
Butter        100gms
granulated sugar   around 3/4th cup
brown sugar          around 3/4th cup
1 Egg 
Vanilla essence 2 tsp
Chocolate chips (Readily available in market ) 1 Cup
You can also take a mix of dark choco chips and white choco chips (1/2 +1/2 Cup) if you like .

1.In a Bowl, mix Flour, baking powder and baking soda. Keep aside.
2.In another bowl, mix butter, granulated sugar and brown sugar and really mix well.
3. In a third bowl beat the egg and the vanilla essence for a minute or two.
4. Pour the egg mixture in the butter and sugar mix. Beat with and egg beater till nice and creamy.
5. To this mix, add the Flour , little at a time and keep mixing .
6. Add chocolate chips and mix well.
7. Preheat the oven to 200  deg celcius .
8. Make small rounds of about 1 inch , flatten them slightly.
9. In a baking tray, arrange the rounds , keeping a gap of about 2 inches in between.
10. These cookies don't rise but spread out . So be careful to keep enough space in between for expansion.
11. Bake at 200 deg celcius for around 15 to 20 mins .
12. Check with a toothpick to see if they are done . (Insert a toothpick in the centre of the cookie , If it comes out clean they are done)
13. Remove from oven and spread on a plate or wire rack to cool.
14. Cookies will be little soft when hot but they turn nice and crispy once they cool down. 
15. Once cooled, Store in airtight containers in a cool and dry place.
16. Enjoy with tea/ coffee or as it is !!!

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